
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blogtoberfest Day 1 – What to talk about?

Day 1 of blogtoberfest and already I am at a loss at what to write about.

As I have no plan yet (might try to figure that out tonight) I thought it might be a good idea to follow up my pregnancy vent of the other day with some things that I am enjoying right now (in no particular order).

• Jot and her incessant demands to knit. At three I am not sure how to get her started so any ideas would be gratefully appreciated. We tried one of those French knitting bees and she never got interested in it. Presumably because it is not like the knitting I do.

• The never ceasing movement of this baby. I know he/she/it is well as I am constantly being pummelled and it more than makes up for the rest of the stuff my body is going through at the moment. We are still at the stage that as soon as R places his hand on the bump all movement stops which I find incredibly funny but R can’t remember the same happening with Jot.

• My gorgeous hubby R who is taking on more and more of looking after Jot (when she lets him) so I can get some more sleep, have a bath, throw up or just sit on the couch and put my feet up.

• Time to think. We are currently living in a serviced apartment in Southbank as we are renovating our house. Everything is packed and although I really want to be back home I am enjoying the short walk to commute to work (and Jot childcare) and the fact that I am not surrounded by my stuff. That sounds silly as it is what I am starting to miss BUT as I don’t have my sewing machine here I can sit on the couch in front of the TV and design quilts, think about maybe starting my own business, names for the baby (really not getting far on this one) and just generally having time to think without the constant pull of 101 UFOs.

• Family – My fantastic Mum went out of her way to find a new ‘Daisy’ comforter for Jot when our Daisy decided to jump out of the buggy and go exploring around Melbourne. So about two weeks after we lost Daisy she returned having visited grandma in England

So although I have a number of days each week when this pregnancy sucks there is much for me to be grateful for and the good certainly outweighs the bad.


Vic said...

Happy Blogtoberfest!

Nice to see a lovely list of things you're enjoying; it's good to stop & think about it all once in a while, especially when we've been whinging too (seriously, whinging is one of my hobbies...).

Is this pregnancy worse than your first? My second was so awful that it will also be my last!

Wish I could help with the three year old knitting question, but alas, I am hopeless with the needles... perhaps when you find something you can teach me too. ;)

Car said...

happy Blogtoberfest to you!

Have you tried the kiddy sized knitting needles at spotlight? I might get some for Miss K this year as she is 5... Unsure on tecnique though? I usuallygive K a ball of wool and a platic crochet hook and let her go!!!

Car said...

PS apologies for spelling, am on ipad and didnt see till I hit post comment!!!

planettreasures said...

wow, what a time you're having...a pre-schooler, a baby on the way, renovations, moving, working...I'm breathless : }
How will you ever get time to blog?
Anyway I look forward to following your progress through October : )