Finally (and this is a big one for me) my general life goal of 2011. Most of my ideas that didn't sit in either of the two previous areas were too small to become measurable or are dependent on things outside my control to come to fruition. So I decided to lump most of my small goals under one heading and work towards them slowly and be degrees. This goal is not attainable in 2011 as it is more of a long term goal but at least part of it is attainable.
So my General Goal is:
To live a more simple and frugal life.
Not very specific at all is it. So I have some supporting goals which I am going to mention here (and a lot more that I will hold over to another year)
1) Limit Technology - I spend far too much time on the internet (browsing forums, facebook - the biggest time waster on the planet and playing games) and watching TV (I often find myself channel hopping because I can't think of anything else to do but there is nothing on I want to watch) so I am limiting both. I currently do one or the other (or both) every day and I plan to reduce that to 4 days in 7. So on 3 days/evenings I will have no internet or TV. More time to sew, knit and read.
2) To Budget - To set a budget with a strict savings policy. To buy second hand where possible. To buy food in bulk and utilise various methods to preserve it for the rest of the year (this crosses over into my next supporting goal). To save up for 'big ticket' items such as our new kitchen and bathroom.
3) Food - To grow as much of our vegetables and fruit as possible. To buy in season and in bulk utilising R work suppliers where possible. To eat less processed foods and less sugar. To plan menus and eat with Jot. To prepare meals in advance and freeze. To create a 'recipe folder' of healthy recipes that can be used to plan menus.
As it is tough to set most of these into a time frame as life is ongoing I am going to give each of the three supporting goals a timeframe of 6 months and review my progress (or lack thereof) at the end of June 2011.
In wrapping up my three (well five really) 2011 goals I wish you luck in setting and attaining yours in 2011.
Happy New Year.
Jots Mum
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